Contact Levy Tree Care

Tree Consultation

While opinions are a dime a dozen, the right solution is worth its weight in gold. Levy Tree Care’s staff ground there recommendations in current, research-based information and regular interactions with colleagues and resources in Minnesota, the United States, and Europe. The following are some of the consulting services we provide.

General Tree Care Advice

Proper plant selection, planting and care is essential for the long-term health and beauty of your landscape. Questions like, “What tree should I plant here?”, “Should I water my mature tree?”, “How can I protect my tree from deer?”, “Why should I prune my old apple tree?” and “How should I treat a wound on the trunk of my young tree?” can be answered so that you can care of your trees with knowledge that you are doing the right thing.

Insect and Disease Diagnosis

Ignoring or misdiagnosing pest problems will lead to poorer health, ineffective results and higher expenses in the long-run. Levy Tree Care has trained and educated staff to make proper diagnosis with treatment recommendations that get real, long-term results.

Read more about our Insects & Diseases.

Tree Preservation Plans

Good planning during the building process can add decades of longevity to the trees on your property while poor planning will decrease tree life and often leads to unsafe situations. Involving Levy Tree Care from the start of any project will protect the health and safety of your property’s trees. Levy Tree Care can create a plan that will protect your trees, yet also be manageable for the builder during the construction process.

Hazard Tree Evaluations

A hazard tree evaluation could be very important to protect your family and property. While large deadwood and broken branches can pose a significant threat to your home, even more important are the subtle signs that indicate interior decay that threaten the health and safety of your tree. These signs take good diagnostic tools and professionals with experience to catch. This information is absolutely essential to guarantee the safety of your home.

For more information call 218-393-4847.