Contact Levy Tree Care

Practical Tree Advice

Your tree care specialist in Northern Minnesota

We make house calls!

While opinions are a dime a dozen, the right solution is worth its weight in gold. Levy Tree Care grounds their recommendations in current, research-based information and regular interactions with colleagues and resources in Minnesota, the United States, and Europe.

Core Services

What we can do for you

Tree & Plant Health

Preventive maintenance, fertilization and specialized chemical treatment are all part of keeping your trees and shrubs healthy and long-lived for your enjoyment.

Selection & Planting

The first step in healthy trees and shrubs is careful selection and proper planting. Levy Tree Care's staff will examine both above ground and below to give your tree or shrub the best possible start in your yard. read more >>


Good long-term tree care often begins with a thorough conversation about what you have, what you want, and what you need to get your yard where you want it. Our reports provide you with a handy reference as you plan short- and long-term goals for your property. read more >>

Trimming & Pruning

Proper pruning of trees and shrubs enhances their health and value for your property.